Sunday, October 18, 2009

Ancient paintings

I will now spend a few days going through ancient paintings. These have been presented earlier:

Casa delle Volte Dipinte, in Ostia
A fresco from the Villa of Liva
A unicorn fresco from the baths that was situated right outside of Palazzo Massimo
A fresco with maritime motif
3rd Pompeian style central motif
A garden scene from the villa at Oplontis
A graffito from Pompeii
3rd Pompeian style central motif
A fresco depicting fullers (washers)
A house altar fresco with the graffito Cacator cave malum
Menander, from Casa de Menandro in Pompeii
Altar at Casa de Menandro in Pompeii
3rd Pompeian style central motif
2nd style painting from the House of Augustus at the Palatine

A fresco from Casa del Menandro. I believe that it is depicting Actaeon who is torn apart by his own dogs. (The story tells us that he was out hunting one day and saw, by mistake, Artemis naked while she was bathing. She turned him into a stag which his own dogs killed)

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